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Greenwood Surgery has a wonderful Patient Participation Group (PPG) that liaise closely with the Practice Manager and GP’s on a regular basis. The role of the PPG is invaluable in providing the patient perspective on a broad range of topics. Our PPG are also very active and successful in helping the practice promote health matters and fundraising for various causes.
“Greenwood Surgery is extremely proud of the PPG members and all the work they do. Please read the ‘PPG blog’ which is updated exclusively by the PPG members. ‘Information For Greenwood Patients by Greenwood Patients” – Dr Maya Mistry
How to join the PPG group?
If you are a patient and would like to become involved or just share your opinion/suggestions, please contact Sian, the Practice Manager via Systmconnect online form.
Common question 1
We appreciate that patients may have other commitments but you are able to provide your opinions and feedback through the PPG chair Linda Denston. The minutes are also shared after meetings to make sure you can keep up to date with developments. Meetings are currently held virtually which may also help with attendance/involvement.
Common question 2
No qualifications are needed except that you are a Greenwood Surgery patient!
It can be helpful to have a wide range of perspectives so we welcome anyone and everyone. Being a South Woodham Resident with local knowledge is useful when we are planning changes in the surgery or the wider Primary Care Network.
Common question 3
We have built in a ‘Feedback’ section on the website to allow comments and suggestions to be submitted with ease to the practice.
If a patient would prefer to contact the PPG directly, please submit this on the website and it will be sent on. The PPG may feature this on their blog also as that develops. I
The PPG has 21 members that currently engage with quarterly meetings. In light of recent events we have moved to meeting using Microsoft teams and this has meant that members are able to engage safely from their own home. Greenwood Surgery PPG meet to discuss the services on offer, and how improvements can be made for the benefit of patients and the practice.
I consent to Greenwood Surgery using my personal information to send me updates and news about its products and services*See privacy policy for information about how we handle your data.
Greenwood Surgery,
Crouch Vale Medical Centre
South Woodham Ferrers
Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 5QP
01245 426898 | Systmconnect
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