
Ear syringing / micro-suctioning


Providing exceptional medical care for individuals, families and the community

For the ear...

At Greenwood Surgery the clinical team are able to assess, diagnose ear wax and offer self-care advice. Ear syringing is not performed.

Self-care for removal of earwax
(*Do NOT use drops if you are known to have an ear perforation)

Ear drops Earwax usually falls out on its own. If it doesn’t and blocks your ear, put two or three drops of ordinary olive oil into the ear two or three times a day for two to three weeks.

This softens the wax so that it comes out of its own accord without harming the ear. You will not necessarily see wax come out. It often seems to come out unnoticed.

If you are prone to repeated wax build-up you can continue to use olive oil drops twice a week to prevent recurrence.

If olive oil does not work you can buy sodium bicarbonate drops from your local chemist.

If self-care is in-effective

A referral for micro-suctioning on the NHS can be made if one of the following criteria are met:

  1. Patients with contraindications to syringing (ear perforation, previous ear surgery, history of otitis externa (infection) following syringing, young children uncooperative to ear irrigation)

  2. Acute or chronic otitis externa (infection) with excessive debris or swollen ear canal not settling after initial treatment with drops or who require regular micro-suction to prevent recurrent episodes

  3. The patient has a cleft palate (repaired or not).

  4. Wax unresponsive to ear syringing. Ear syringing must have been attempted and documented as failed on at least two occasions before referral for ear micro-suction on each occasion.

  5. Ear foreign body extraction

  6. Regular mastoid cavity de-waxing

If you do not fulfil the NHS criteria above and wish to have ear syringing / micro-suctioning privately this can be performed for a fee (approximately £40/ear) at the various local providers.

0300 303 9966

01245 600000



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