Providing exceptional medical care for individuals, families and the community

General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) & Text/Email

With effect from 25 May 2018 this new regulation replaces the existing Data Protection Act 1998. To continue to receive SMS (text) and email messages from the surgery we will need your written consent. This is VERY IMPORTANT as it is the most effective and efficient form of communication for information such as results, practice news and appointment reminders. To operate swiftly, safely and efficiently we need the freedom to be able to contact you ‘electronically.’ (Each patient needs to complete the consent form – there isn’t a ‘family form’).

Greenwood Surgery uses Accurx – an NHS approved, secure texting software allowing SMS, attachments, links and when permitted a very useful reply function that allows the patient response to be automatically saved into the patient record (e.g. images of skin lesions or agreement for referrals)

Clinical photography
Greenwood Surgery uses photography (both receiving images from patients and taking of images of patients) as a valuable component of effective care in general practice. We comply with a specific policy to ensure how staff at Greenwood Surgery with a responsibility for taking clinical photographs can do so appropriately. The policy covers consent, confidentiality, the use of personal mobile devices, the storing of data (photographs) and asset security.

Sharing information with third parties e.g. family member
Written consent must be obtained in the presence of a witness to allow sharing of medical information with a third party such as a family member.

Please complete this form above and send back to us.

If a Lasting Power of Attorney for welfare is held regarding a patient then this should be scanned and recorded in the notes permitting sharing of medical notes where requested



We want to keep you updated on the latest news from both our medical professionals and our valued patients

New Telephone System 2024

The new telephone system with option of automatic call back has improved the ease for patients contacting...

July 18th, 2024

Greenwood Surgery Practice Newsletter

Please see the most recent Newsletter...

November 22nd, 2023

2024 GP Patient Survey Results

We are pleased to show improvements in the annual GP Patient Survey - the highlights are: 79%...

July 17th, 2024

Patient Participation Group

Greenwood Surgery has had an active Patient Participation Group (PPG) since around 2004. At Greenwood Surgery patient...

October 6th, 2020

Clear on Cancer

Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the UK. One in two people born in the...

May 25th, 2020

Flu Vaccination Programme- update 2023/24

The Flu vaccinations have begun and will run until 31st March 2024.   Those eligible for NHS...

November 23rd, 2023